Thursday, September 22, 2016

Heddles, Anger, and Something Else

I managed to thread the heddles of my loaned loom for a lace class I'm taking on Saturday (which I am beyond excited about, as it will be my first weaving class, and it will hopefully prepare me to be able to weave some beautiful lace curtains for my bedroom windows. I squealed a lot when I picked up my warp thread.)

It went pretty quick, but I think it helped that someone else did all the measuring and planning. Not much thinking necessary on my part. 

I'm trying really hard not to punch blogger in the face right now because it's making life really difficult to write this. I don't think anything is going as planned and it all seems extremely poorly designed, at least while I'm trying to do it on my phone.

I had anther less than enjoyable experience that I may write about tomorrow. It deals with a sad, angry, probably sick child and a librarian. It may then morph into a question and debate. Possibly to be debated by me alone, but that's ok. 

Another day, another post! Wahoo! Go me!

Feeling good about some things in life makes all life a little better. 


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