I know, it's no longer January. Far from it, Happy May. But since I really still want to get my 31 projects done, I'm aiming for 31 projects in 12 months. And I think I'm going to make it. So here we continue...
Probably my favorite project. It's been in the makings forever, but now it's here. I've worn it twice. I love it.
It's a mens shirt worn backwards. Thats it. I unpicked the collar which created the neckline. I cinched the sides of the shirt to fit under the arms. I cut off the sleeves, pulled the extra fabric back to the side and added pockets in the fold it created. The front of the shirt is now the back of the dress (love the buttons) and I used some extra fabric from the sleeves to make a halter with a support strip in the back so the dress wouldn't sag. I also made my first buttonhole on my machine. (yay firsts!). It's fabulous, and it doesn't blow up in the wind. bonus.
This is my favorite dress.

I want one! Reminds me a little of the one I made and wore at my 23rd birthday party, but, you know, yours is cooler.